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[ 会议基本信息 ]
会议名称(中文):  第三届激光与物质相互作用国际会议
会议名称(英文):  The 3rd International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter
所属学科:  等离子体物理,光学,信号与信息处理,热工学
开始日期:  2014-11-02
结束日期:  2014-11-05
所在国家:  中华人民共和国
所在城市:  江苏省     南京市
具体地点:  南京市孝陵卫200号南京理工大学
主办单位:  激光与物质相互作用国家重点实验室(SKLLIM,中国)
协办单位:  国际光学工程学会(SPIE,美国),美国光学学会(OSA,美国),欧洲激光协会(ELI,德国),中国光学学会(COS,中国),中国科学院长春光学机密机械与物理研究所(CIOMP,中国)等
承办单位:  南京理工大学(NJUST,中国)
[ 组织结构 ]
会议主席:  Stefan Kaierle, Department Materials & Processes, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.; Chair of European Laser Institute (Germany) M.J. Soileau, Professor, Vice President of the University of Central Florida (USA) Jianlin Cao, Professor, Vice Minister of China Ministry of Science and Technology (China) Wenhe Liao, Professor, Vice President of Nanjing University of Science & Technology (China),
组织委员会主席:  Rihong Zhu, Professor, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (China) Gang Zhou, professor, Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology (China) Xuejun Zhang, Professor, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (China) Zhonghua Shen, Professor, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (China) Jin Guo, Professor, State Key Laboratory of Laser Interaction with Matter (China)
程序委员会主席:  Xisheng Ye, Professor, State Key Laboratory of Laser Interaction with Matter (China) Xiaowu Ni, Professor, Nanjing University of Science& Technology (China) Zunqi Lin, Academician, Professor, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Yury Andreev, Professor, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
姓名  职务  简介  演讲题目
[ 重要日期 ]
摘要截稿日期:  2014-06-01
全文截稿日期:  2014-11-20
[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系人:  梅先生
联系电话:  +86-15850528743
传真:  +86-025-84303073
E-MAIL:  limis2014@126.com
通讯地址:  南京市孝陵卫200号南京理工大学理学院信息物理系
邮政编码:  210094
会议注册费:  2500元/人,学生持有效证件1500元/人
会议网站:  http://www.limisconf.org
The 3rd International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter (LIMIS 2014) will be held from 2 to 5 November in Nanjing (P. R. China), a famous historical city of China. The symposium focuses on the most recent and advanced issues concerning laser-matter interactions, including laser irradiation effect and mechanism, laser plasma physics, laser spectrum technology and applications, high power lasers, nonlinear optics, and laser processing and machining, etc. There will be plenary presentations by well-known experts, oral sessions, poster sessions, and tours of local attractions during this symposium.
1 Laser irradiation effect and mechanism
Laser irradiation effect on Materials
Laser irradiation effect on EO device and system
Thermo-mechanical effect and mechanisms of laser irradiation
Laser irradiation effect diagnostic technology
Laser-induced ultrasound and applications
2. Laser plasma physics
Laser-plasma interaction
Mechanism of laser plasma production
Physics of ultra-intense laser plasma
Laser plasma diagnostics

3. Laser spectrum technology and applications
Laser spectrum measurement technology
The application of laser spectroscopy in combustion diagnostics
Laser remote sensing
New applications of laser spectroscopy

4. High power lasers
Gas lasers
Solid state lasers/Fiber lasers
Chemical lasers
Other new high power lasers

5. Nonlinear optics
New developments in nonlinear optics
Applications of nonlinear optics
THz sources and other frequency transformation
Fiber nonlinear optics

6. Laser processing and machining
Laser Beam transformation
Laser Processing of materials
Micro-nano optics
New developments in laser processing devices
Optoelectronic diagnostic

Individuals,organizations and Institutions desiring to present papers at the symposium are encourages to submit an extended abstract of 500 words. Abstracts will be reviewed and accepted.Authors will be required to submit a full paper for peer review prior to the final submission deadline.
Please complete the registration form (download from http://www.limisconf.org) to get registration number,then email the abstract to limis2014@126.com.

时代人物智库   2014-04-02 16:24:03 作者:http://www.ems86.com/ 来源: 文字大小:[][][]
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