“Ether Zero” from Singapore,Speeds Up the DAPP Development by MPOS Algorithm_时代人物智库_http://www.ems86.com/index.php
“Ether Zero” from Singapore,Speeds Up the DAPP Development by MPOS Algorithm
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SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - Media OutReach - 18 January 2019 - EtherZero general intelligent contract platform is 100% compatible with Solidity language. There is no service charge for developing DAPP, deploying intelligent contract, and initiating transfer transaction; Masternode +POS consensus algorithm mechanism enables TPS to be over three orders of magnitude and the Masternode system can make EtherZero easily achieve the function of real-time transfer; With a high degree of community autonomy, all Masternodes can initiate community proposals, vote and participate in community construction.

MPoS consensus algorithm. This consensus algorithm is characterized by the adoption of the scheme of the Masternode, which replaces the EOS21 super node and lowers the node entry threshold. As long as having 20,000 EtherZeros and a cloud server, everyone can easily participate in the mining of the Masternode and have rights to vote in the autonomous community.

MPOS is short for Masternode + POS. It has a Masternode that can replace the 21 super nodes of EOS.

MPOS can approve or disapprove creating blocks and record additional votes in the block. In the case of transaction validity, it needs to reduce the difficulty in block generation and maintenance costs by downloading and only checking the changes of the number of blocks.

In terms of security, MPOS system has the advantage of increasing security because it cannot set off transactions and the number of users will increase unless 51% of the entire network is controlled.

In addition, the Masternode facilitates the operation of EtherOther, so that the same compensation can be obtained according to the protocol. Etherzero issues 12 million coins a year, accounting for 75% of the total, and about 9 million ETZs are rewarded.

After EtherZero was launched on mainnet on August 3, 2018, as of January 17, 2019, the number of Masternode reached 628, and the smart contract address was deposited into 12.5 million ETZ. In January, the code was optimized and updated. At present, the block output can reach 1-1.5s. The mobile version EASYETZ 2.0 is newly released and embedded in the DAPP application market, and the ecological layout will enter a new step; As the first stop of EtherZero's global strategic blueprint in 2019, South Korea is about to start a new chapter.

2019-01-19 12:26:28 - www.ems86.com
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